Microsoft announced today the aquisition of Screentonic, one of the european leader of advertising on Mobile. The financial transaction was not disclosed. Put this acquisition back in perspective with the acquisition of online advertising platforms : DoubleClick by Google or the deal between Yahoo! and Comcast.. Here are 3 leading wordwide brands buying market shares […]
Wikio published today the list of the most influencial French Weblogs. The ranking system is simply based on the number of links pointing towards the weblog and the value of these links. The value is based on an algorithm which takes into account the ranking of the blog. Wikio is a social network which takes […]
Mark Cuban really got the underlying potential of the deal just announced 2 days ago between Yahoo and, the web site of the N° 2 cable company in the US. Under the deal, Yahoo’s advertising sales unit will be the primary marketing and sales channel for display and video advertising. He calls it […]
Very interesting notes from a conversation between Loic and geeks. Nothing better that to read it quickly. Remember the landscape starts with the leaders as Youtube or DailyMotion and ranges from Joost, Bablegum to Eyeka and others. But the number of players in this field, 300 or more, makes it difficult from the outside to […]
Hiroshi Tanaka is associate director at NHK, Japan’s leading public broadcaster. He has a long and loyal history with NHK where he used to produce highly successful programs for children. He is now a digital content producer to build mobile TV. NHK Mobile G is a 24-hour channel. It delivers a seamless blend of TV […]