Feedback from Paris’ first Yulbiz

Real success for yesterday first French Yulbiz (a canadian initiative), put together by Fred Cazzava. I would say anything between 100 and 150 people. Fred is preparing a surprise…

Francois Ziserman launched his consulting company focusing on e-commmerce and building marketplaces. He signed his first contract. Can’t disclose this. We had met several month ago while he was still with Orange. We shared a lot about management, VC’s, running a start-up etc. François had raised €11 million for his company in 2002.

Emmanuel Vivier is taking online marketing experts Vanksen international and Fanny will open their first asian office by the summer. With his partners, they are managing their growth quite smartly.

Gregory Pouy continues his buzz among bloggers and the 2.0 community as well as on traditional media.

Philippe Bornstein shared for the first time a live demo on Netineo, a company he launched in January 2007. Netineo is about providing access to TV, radio, video, training, conferences, or events provided by other people.

Manuel Diaz told me more about the sale of Groupe Reflect. I’ll blog it next week.

With Jacques Froissant, we discussed the tensions on the recrutment market. Everyone is fighting for the best people in marketing, technology in the 2.0 environment. Big demands – keep your staff. And watch this video of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs sharing their past mistakes. Quite unique.

Philippe Jeudi (Sega) brought his computer – he thought he would be alone; ended up discovering new canadian friends and can still talk computer games.