Feedback from Paris’ first Yulbiz

Real success for yesterday first French Yulbiz (a canadian initiative), put together by Fred Cazzava. I would say anything between 100 and 150 people. Fred is preparing a surprise… Francois Ziserman launched his consulting company focusing on e-commmerce and building marketplaces. He signed his first contract. Can’t disclose this. We had met several month ago […]

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Aardman’s Wallace and Gromit on Joost

Aren’t you a fan of Wallace and Gromit? I am. Aardman Animations, on May 30th, announced a deal with Joost, the online video platform. This deal is a win/win situation and here is why. For Aardman, it is a great avenue for distribution as the product – short animated films – is not always targetted […]

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New Skype worm spreads quickly.

Do not open unknown links on Skype. There has been an effective and malicious attack with the new variant worm targeting Skype. It comes in a chat message as a .pif file, that poses as “photos”. It targets anyone on your contact list using AIM,ICQ,Messenger,Miranda,MSN,Trillian (which uses all of the above) and Yahoo. You’ll find […]

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