Will YouTube be the next Napster?

I was discussing the Viacom/YouTube $1 billion legal action with Gilles Babinet this morning. Do you remember Napster? According to Gilles, Napster’s valuation was close to $4 billion at some point. You know the story. They got sued by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), agreed to pay a settlement of $24 million for […]

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Podcast mobiles : votre portable travaille pour vous la nuit!

Gabriel Dabi-Schwebel et Aymeric de Cardes, deux grands connaisseurs des télecoms, lancent une plateforme de podcast sur mobile disponible en marque blanche pour les opérateurs mobiles, MVNO et éditeurs média. Une première opération avec Ten Mobile, le MVNO très 2.0 qui monte, est programmée. Gabriel nous en dit plus sur les usages. La plateforme PlayFab […]

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Viacom sues YouTube for $1 billion

Today Viacom announced that they were filling against YouTube “for massive intentional copyright infringement of Viacom’s entertainment properties.” The suit seeks more than $1 billion in damages, as well as an injunction prohibiting Google and YouTube from further copyright infringement. The complaint contends that almost 160,000 unauthorized clips of Viacom’s programming have been available on […]

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OPA forum in London : Feedback from Day 1

I attended and spoke yesterday at the Online Pubisher Association global forum in London. Day one was very much focusing on the impact of digital on traditional pubishing businesses. The forum is called “Forum for the Future” : i assure you that projects and revenus are happening NOW. Specific emphasis was place on web publishing, […]

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Bill Gates wants more foreign “brain power” in the US

To support US leadership in high-tech industries, Bill Gates told the Congress that the US should ease visa and immigration restrictions for scientists, researchers and brain power in general. More here For generations, America has prospered largely by attracting the world’s best and brightest to study, live and work in the US. Unfortunately, America’s immigration […]

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YouTube bloqué en Turquie

L’accès à ce site est bloqué par décision de justice ! Voilà le message que vous lirez si vous vous connectez à YouTube en Turquie. La raison : une vidéo qui qualifie d’homosexuels les Turcs et Mustafa Kermal Atatürk, le fondateur de la république turque. Toute insulte à Atatürk constitue un crime passible de prison […]

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